Click on the titles below to view/print information sheets:
Demonstrations of Basic Line Dance Terms, Steps and Sequences:
DANCE GLOSSARY This glossary of terms provides definitions for most of the basic line dance steps and sequences together with a description of how to execute each move.
BASIC TERMS is a list of line dance steps and sequences. Use this as a worksheet to keep track of and take notes on what you have learned.
KARAOKE DANCE LIST is a list of songs that also have dances choreographed to them so that the dancers can dance while the singers sing!
DANCING DETERS ALZHEIMER'S This is a must read flyer that cites research showing that line dancing is one of the best exercises to help deter Alzheimer's.
Evenin' Star Dance Boots - Go to The model that Miss Vickie wears is the "Vickie." If you want the lycra boot, you need to order the Vickie Pro Dance Boot and then select the option of Lycra.